Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Mr. Freeze

Mr Freeze has always been one of my favorite characters ever since I saw him on the animated series way back when and after seeing his abysmal portrayal on Gotham, decided to give him another go.
I had I've put together a few of these guys over the years and I feel like I get the recipe better every time.
This one is going to be part of a display with Nora in her cryotube.

He's a mixed bag of bits from top to bottom. The clear dome is from the packaging of  a small wind up robot. The upper armor supporting the dome is a vintage pantyhose plastic egg. Additional armor on the shoulders comes from a R2D2 treat container that can be found in some retailers during Easter. (Side note: Every Easter for the past 2 years I track down and buy a couple of packs of these. They're great for all kinds of bashes.) The knee, elbow, groin and abdomen armor are from various Clone Trooper armor from Sideshow. Belt buckle is from a vintage GI Joe scuba tank and the doo-dads on the belt come from The Leia in Boushh disguise figure from Sideshow and a Gorilla-tron Zoids figure. (More highly coveted greeblies.) The backpack is a modified slime blower from the Ghostbusters II figures Mattel put out a while back. Hard to see, but the freeze gun has parts from 2 shotguns, a DC Direct Rorschach grapple gun, a Sideshow DC Comics Batman grapple gun and some small unidentified bits from the parts bucket. Same goes for the other greeblies on the suit. Just random parts that kind of fit the aesthetic I was looking for. Finally, the head sculpt comes from a Sideshow Gentlemen figure from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The mouth was drilled out and re-sculpted along with the goggles.

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